The candidates profiled on this page are running for 4 open Parent Seats on the Stargate School Accountability Committee. All information was provided by the candidates running for election.

BIOS: Candidates for Parent Seats

SAC Candidate: Tim Ariza

Tim Ariza

My name is Tim Ariza. I hold a Master's degree in clinical psychology and I am a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA). I have worked in schools and provided school consultation for many years, mostly within (but not limited to) the area of special education. Similarly, I have worked with teachers, social workers, SLPs, OTs, music therapists and school psychologists in assessing students, goal design, treatment efficacy, and treatment outcomes. I am currently the assistant director of adult behavioral services at a company that serves 600+ individuals with IDD and mental health diagnoses. The company currently serves both children and adults in schools, day programs, and residential/community settings.

My interest in becoming a committee member is simply to lend my knowledge of learning science, data analysis, behavioral science, and human motivation to a dynamic team for the betterment of our school.

SAC Candidate: Becca Borden

Becca Borden

I am interested in serving on the Stargate Accountability Committee for one more term because it would give me an opportunity to continue improvements in the SAC's work and contributions to Stargate, leveraging four years of experience with Stargate's SAC and over 30 years of professional experience.

I have held a variety of professional positions, primarily in organization effectiveness, development and strategy, following completion of my doctorate in Industrial/Organizational psychology. This work involves many of the responsibilities of the SAC, including development of improvement plans, survey development and analysis, presentation of recommendations, defining and monitoring measures of success.

On a personal level, I have been a Stargate parent since 2009. My family moved overseas for three school years 2015-2018 then returned to Stargate where my first child graduated in 2021 and my second will graduate in 2023. I have been active as a Stargate volunteer first in the classroom during my children's elementary years and later as a member of SAC.

SAC Candidate: Kristin Catbagan

Kristin Catbagan

My name is Kristin. I am the mother of an amazing 6 year old who is absolutely loving her community here at Stargate. My husband and I are both excited to make a positive impact and join the team of parent volunteers that we believe are the life-line of any productive school community.

I am a registered nurse with a Bachelor’s Degree in Science. I’ve worked as an Operating Room nurse for the last 16 years and more than half of that time has been spent in nursing leadership and management positions. I pride myself as a life-long learner and am passionate about the use of evidence-based practice as the foundation of everything I do. I am organized and reliable, capable of organizing and implementing practical change based on evidence.

If voted in as a member of the School Accountability Committee, I pledge to do everything within my power help reestablish the parent community and reputation of Stargate as THE place to provide a differentiated program designed specifically to meet the needs of identified gifted learners. It is our job as parents to set the example for the love of learning.

The network of parents, teachers, administrators, and support staff here at Stargate is second to none! I would be honored to serve.

SAC Candidate: Dara Knox

Dara Knox

My name is Dara Knox. I am Mom to 3 incredible daughters, Claire (8), Annie (5) and Beth (1). My husband and I are Florida natives but have lived in Colorado for over 12 years. In our free time our family loves to cheer on our favorite sports team (Go Gators!), play outside with our new puppy and travel when we get the chance.

I am excited to be considered for the School Accountability Committee. I, myself, am an educator (I work in a neighboring district) and a behavior analyst. I am so passionate about collecting and reflecting on data in order to make purposeful changes to better support our students! (And staff too!) I enjoy working with others towards a common goal, especially if that goal is educationally related. My husband and I have been Stargate parents since 2019 and we are so grateful for what Stargate has given to our children/family. I would love to be able to give back to the Stargate community as well. Thank you for considering me as a potential member of the SAC.

SAC Candidate: Vrusha Malhotra

Vrusha Malhotra

I feel strongly when I say that our children are our future. Everything we expose our children to whether it’s food, culture, or even getting them out of their comfort zone is all experience. I am a parent of twin boys and I soon understood how to multi task two different personalities. I see my children’s differences and want address that not all similarities are the same. We are all so different in our ways but yet want to achieve similar goals, however attaining those goals should be fair. My only goal is to teach my children to be kind to all kind and everything else follows.

SAC Candidate: Therese Morin

Therese Morin

I have a BS in Chemical Engineering from The South Dakota School of Mines and Technology and a wide base of experience in project management and finance. I also owned a small business for 16 years, which gives me a unique perspective in reviewing performance against various goals, both financial and otherwise. My current position as a Senior Project Cost Manager involves extensive data analysis, both within a database system and exporting to Excel to convert data into a usable format. I am also responsible for communicating the data to senior management, clients, and peers. I'm interested in serving on this committee so I can contribute where I think my skills would be helpful.

On a personal note, my husband and I have been married for 28 years. We have one daughter in ninth grade that attends Stargate and two dogs. We have lived in Colorado since 1997 and have strong family ties here as well as in Wyoming.

SAC Candidate: Tien Tong

Tien Tong

Tien Tong was born and raised in Denver, Colorado. Her education includes a Master's degree in Criminal Justice, a Bachelor's degree in English Writing and a Minor in Ethnic Studies. She has worked in the field of Criminal Justice with the City and County of Denver since 2011. Her work experience includes program data, research and implementation; and public administration. She also has experience in non-profit program evaluation, grant-writing and grant management/compliance. Prior to her career in Criminal Justice, Tien worked as a Financial Aid Advisor at DU and UCD.

Tien has received certifications and training in LEAN six sigma continuous process improvement, logic models and evaluation. Tien has volunteered on boards and committees for the non-profits, Bridging Hope and Pacific Links Foundation. Tien and her husband Johnson have three children--one child in his second year at Stargate (3rd Grade), a Kindergartener at the Adams 12 Studio School, and a 2-year old.

More Info: School Accountability Election

Voting will take place between Sept. 16 (midnight) and Sept. 26, 2022 (4pm MT).

Parent seats will be voted on by eligible parent/guardian members of the Stargate Community. Staff seats will be voted on by staff members of the Stargate Community. Questions? Email

About the School Accountability Committee

The Stargate School Accountability Committee is elected by, and represents, the members of the Stargate Community. Among its key responsibilities, the Stargate School Accountability Committee is responsible for defining, measuring, and interpreting progress towards the vision and mission of the school through a continuous cycle of planning, evaluating, measuring, and reporting. The Committee is composed of staff and parent members.

Stargate School Accountability Committee members are elected to two-year terms. For more information about the work this group does, visit the School Accountability Committee page, which includes a section detailing general responsibilities for SAC members.