2024-25 School Year Lunch Program
We are continuing to participate in the Healthy School Meals for All program. This means that lunch is FREE for all.
● A Stargate staff member will order lunch based on trends from last year and with the survey that will be sent out monthly. Parents will NOT order lunches as was done in the past.
● The survey will be used to help with trends and to distinguish between vegetarian and non-vegetarian needs.
● A monthly menu will be provided so you can decide as a family what days your student(s) will participate in hot lunch and which days you want to bring lunch from
home. The menu will be posted on the Stargate website lunch page, in each elementary classroom and included in the Monday folder when it is available. The menu is for
reference only.
● A vegetarian option will be included- keep in mind, some days, the option is automatically vegetarian or a switch can be made by not taking the “meat” option (i.e.,
sausage when pancakes are served).
● Teachers (elementary) will take lunch count first thing each day.
● If daily #’s are discrepant between what teacher count says the number we ordered, sack lunches, prepared by MKL, will be provided. Shelf stables will also be available in emergency cases only and we will work to have vegetarian shelf stable lunches available as well.
● Please be aware, second servings are not available. Please send supplemental snacks if needed.
● If your student brings lunch from home, it is assumed they will NOT take a hot lunch and they will be reminded by their teacher. Please help remind your student of this as well.
Stargate has contracted with My Kids Lunch again this year as the hot lunch provider.
Healthy School Meals for All Program
Stargate will continue in the state Healthy School Meals for All (HSMA) program for the 2024-25 school year. This optional program is open to ALL K-12 students. Stargate is partnered with the Charter Choice Collaborative (SFA).The Charter Choice Collaborative acts as our SFA (School Food Authority) to administer the process of reporting and processing federal and state meal reimbursements to the school.
All students at Stargate will have access to free healthy, nutritious school meals thanks to the Healthy School Meals for All program.
Please fill out the CharterChoice (SFA) Combination Form (Online Meal Benefits Application/Family Economic Data Survey). While meals will be provided for free to all Stargate students through Healthy School Meals for All, it’s important for us to continue gathering this information to receive full access to available federal funds that support nutritional programs at your school.
We encourage all families to complete the Combination Form online for the 2024-25 school year. This is an optional form but by providing this information, you will help our district access all available funds to cover the cost of meals, and other nutritional programs for students. Families who fill out the form MAY qualify to receive discounted school fees, class materials, bus passes, utilities support and more. Please note: if your family is qualifies for free/reduced fees, you will receive an email from the Charter Choice Collaborative. You will then need to forward this information to the school. Stargate DOES NOT receive the information from Charter Choice Collaborative.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider
Providing Lunches from Home
These are a few tips to help your student have a smooth lunch experience while enjoying food brought from home.
- Please be sure your child is able to open any packages or containers in their lunch.
- Please be aware of students with allergies.
In-Class Snacks: We have a number of students in our building who have potentially life threatening food allergies. These students can have life threatening reactions even with a very little exposure to the allergen. In an effort to keep all of our students safe, please DO NOT send your child to school with snacks containing nuts for in-class snack time.